The Hoard Facts

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No One can Afford this Kind of Data Protection

There's bad news on the data protection front.

Unless you're the hard-working people at Veeam, and you have a plan.

Which, of course, they do, but they're too modest to release it just yet, lest they spoil the experience of people who want to read their new bad news survey, aka their first annual report on the impact of virtualization on data protection strategies.

This independent survey of 500 IT directors conducted by the survey firm, Vanson Bourne, reveals several depressing facts (and I quote from the press release):

  • Recovery of a backed-up VM takes nearly five hours.
  • 47% of such full server recoveries are performed to recover a single file or application item.
  • Nearly two-thirds (63%) or organizations experience problems every month when attempting to recover a server.
  • Failed recoveries cost the average enterprise more than $400,000 every year.
  • Only 2% of all server and VM backups are tested for recoverability each year.
  • 63% of enterprises experience problems every month when attempting to recover a server.
  • Testing recoverability of a single backup takes IT teams approximately 13 hours.
  • A lack of human resources is the top reason (61%) why IT departments do not test the recoverability of more backups.

Reaction: Who's the guy in your company who has to tell the CEO that you blew through $400,000 last year on failed recoveries?

Imagine the scene: The company's top officers are all sitting around the burnished walnut table in the big room with the view. The CEO asks the CIO if he's been staying on plan for the fiscal year. The CIO attempts to clear his throat, but it's like there's a chicken bone in there. He coughs a couple of times in a vain attempt to expectorate.

Finally, he speaks:

"Uh yeah Roger, we've been right on our numbers with one minor exception."

"What's that, Rich?"

"Well, you remember all that neat data protection stuff you sprung for in this year's budget?

"Yes, as I recall Rich, you said that was going to save us beaucoup bucks."

"Right, Rog, that's what I said--and I meant it, I really did--but, uh, as you know, the IT environment is very complex, and we didn't really see just how complex it would become, and how, uh, well expensive it might get, you know?

"No Rich, I don't know. What are you getting at?"

"Well, Rog, one thing led to another and we ended up putting out four hundred grand on failed recoveries--but I can assure you that me and my guys are going to cap that gusher quicker than you can say memory overcommit."

At this point, all eyes are on Rich, who is perspiring heavily and yanking at his collar in an attempt to open his airway. His bald spot is glaringly reflecting the overhead lights, and his lack of pallor is alarming. He seems to be on the cusp of a severe, debilitating stroke.

You get the idea. Rich--who is currently mopping floors at his local Frosty Freeze--gets the idea. All those numbers in the Veeam report are really bad news.

The question is, what are you going to do about them?

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 09/28/2010 at 12:48 PM


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