The Hoard Facts

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New Space, New Beat

I'm Bruce Hoard, the new editor of Virtualization Review. Let me immediately deliver my first unvarnished opinion about virtualization: I think it is an awesome technology. Not super-duper awesome, but awe-inspiring awesome.

Before I expound further, let me give you a brief tour of my IT journalism career. I started out as a staff writer at ComputerWorld back in the early 80's, when emerging LAN technologies were the subject of a holy war between the baseband and broadband crowds, and the IBM PC was just starting to turn the IT industry on its ear.

My beat back then was networking, which was predominantly composed of data and voice technologies (these guys were also not far from going at each other with pitchforks). After a few years of moving up the editorial ranks, I was chosen to be founding editor of Network World, which of course, still graces the ranks of IT publications today.

After leaving Network World, I started a 20-year freelance career, during which I wrote about a wide range of technologies, ran a webzine about Microsoft software running on Compaq computers, edited another webzine that covered storage networking, and generally speaking kept busy producing whatever editorial products were called for at the time.

During the past year or so, I was commissioned to do some freelance white papers on this new technology known as virtualization, and right away, I thought it was a cool, compelling topic. As a result, when I had a conversation with 1105 Media VP and Editorial Director Doug Barney about some job openings, and he mentioned that the estimable Keith Ward was vacating the editor-in-chief job at Virtualization Review to run another magazine there, I immediately threw my hat into the ring.

Happily, I got the job, and now I am presenting myself to you, gentle readers, as your new editor. I'm asking you to continue your interactive relationship with us by bending my ear with your rants, raves and plain old comments relating to our editorial product.

My goal is to build on Keith's fine work by getting you even more involved than you were before. I promise to read all your constructive e-mails, and to publish the ones I think will be the most interesting and instructive to our audience of over 40,000 readers. I'm making it as easy as possible for you to opine by including comment boxes. Please give them a workout!

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 10/15/2009 at 12:48 PM


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