Free Virtual Event Agenda

2020 Enterprise Cloud Security Summit

9 a.m. PDT/12 p.m. EDT: Top Cloud Security Threats:
What To Watch for in 2020
The cloud is your enterprise's No. 1 attack vector! You can't afford to miss a possible vulnerability. Stay on top of the hackers (and other security flaws) with this Webinar brought to you by the editors of and Virtualization & Cloud Review.

10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT: Cloud Security Architecture for AWS & Azure:
Expert Advice Roundtable
If you don't set it up correctly, your cloud can't be secure! In this live roundtable, the editors of and Virtualization and Cloud Review have brought together AWS and Azure architecture experts to talk about the real-world architecture concerns that can significantly affect your systems' security.

11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT: Private vs. Public vs. Hybrid vs. Multi-Cloud:
Understanding Security Liabilities and Strengths
How does picking a public vs. private vs. hybrid cloud set up affect your security risk? Is private-only really the most secure option -- or one that most enterprises need? What do secure hybrid cloud setups look like? Find out in this Webinar.

Why Attend?

In this free half-day seminar, brought to you by the editors of and Virtualization & Cloud Review, find out the top 10 threats you're facing, get real-world architecture advice and find out the security pros and cons of public, private and hybrid cloud platforms. All vendor-neutral advice from real experts in the field. We hope you'll join us!

Win a $500 Amazon Gift Certificate!

We're giving away a $500 Amazon Gift Certificate to one lucky attendee who registers and attends on the day of the event! ! SIGN UP TODAY!

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