Virtual Observer

Searching for Intelligent Storage for Virtual Workloads

There are no one-size-fits-all storage solutions, so I've come up with some basic questions to ask the vendors who will be trying to get your attention.

Aiming for the Desktop Virtualization Sweet Spot

You and my clients have the same challenges and objectives in the pursuit of desktop virtualization.

Virtual Infrastructure Performance Management: The Storage View

Storage visibility is essential for managing virtual infrastructure performance

The Rise of the Virtual Infrastructure Performance Manager

The emerging class of performance management solutions for high-performance virtualization.

What Virtualization Vendors Have on Storage Tiering

What VMware, Dell, NetApp and DataCore are doing to add support for tiered storage in their offerings.

Building a VDI Environment on Shared Storage

Storage is at the heart of the problems some companies have in deploying VDI.

Desktop Virtualization: What are You Waiting for?

In this new column, Taneja Group lead virtualization analyst Dave Bartoletti will offer his personal insights and findings on all trends virtual and cloud.

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