Top Enterprise Ransomware Threats RIGHT NOW

Date: Friday, June 4th at 9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT

Find out the current top threats and what to do if you're hit.

Is 2021 the year that global law enforcement finally hits back against ransomware cybercriminals? As the DarkSide ransomware actors found, it is easy to pretend to be tough on your extortion site, but when the President mentions your ransomware by name you know you messed up bad.

Ransomware is in real turmoil right now and a lot of ransomware actors have decided it would be a good idea to "spend more time with their families." So, we can all relax and celebrate, right? Not quite, it seems for every ransomware actor that retires, there is a new one ready to take their place. Ransomware is still, by far, the most profitable type of cybercriminal activity.

This talk will look at the rapidly changing ransomware landscape, why you still need to worry and how the extortion ecosystem continues to wreak havoc for ransomware victims.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT
Top Enterprise Ransomware Threats RIGHT NOW

10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Expert Advice: What To Do If Ransomware Strikes You

11 a.m. PDT / 2 p.m. EDT
Hottest Third-Party Tools

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Duration: 1 hour

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