Life Cycle Monitoring: Why an Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of a Cure

Date: Tuesday, December 14th at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Keeping today's complex applications healthy and performant is no small task, especially when we find ourselves spending more time putting out fires rather than preventing them. Ben Franklin knew what he was talking about when it came to keeping yourself healthy. Companies and healthcare providers spend millions of dollars on preventive care because they see the cost of troubleshooting and fixing an individual's health is exponentially more time consuming and expensive.

During this webcast, learn firsthand how understanding visibility in your IT environment is at the forefront of gaining valuable insights into the status of your applications and supporting infrastructure. Next, we will demonstrate how both SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) and Virtualization Manager (VMAN) have built-in capacity planning and optimization tools designed to enable you to tackle more prevention and less firefighting.

Using key features of SolarWinds products can help you not only increase your overall business agility when monitoring and managing your environment, but it can also win you points with management while you're at it. Proper prevention techniques will inevitably save you time and effort which in turn means saved money—a win for everyone!

In this webcast, we'll go over:

  • Visibility into your hybrid physical and virtual resources
  • Auto-instrumented capacity forecasting and optimization
  • Intelligent baselines and threshold setting
  • Identify and resolve over-and under-allocated resources
  • Efficient chargeback reporting
  • Sprawl management

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About the presenters:

Peter Di Stefano

Pete Di Stefano is a principal product marketing manager at SolarWinds, working primarily with their application management tools. His experience includes over 25 years in tech product marketing and management, including companies like IBM, BMC Software, and Symantec.

Ashley Adams

Ashley is a product marketing manager for the SolarWinds Systems Management products. She has 10 years of experience within the IT field and has held positions in both Austin and in Paris, France.

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