Level Up Your Cloud Security with Zero Trust Summit

Date: Thursday, January 11th at 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET

So you’ve moved your mission-critical applications and workloads to the cloud. That’s a net benefit when it comes to saving your organization money and increasing its flexibility – but when it comes to improving your security, it’s not so cut-and-dried. The cloud expands your attack surface, and the more users you have, the easier it is for attackers to sneak into your environment via misapplied security settings and insecure keys. Unless you’re practicing zero trust, the risks to your cloud could outweigh its benefits.

Join this free mini-summit to understand how 11:11 Systems and HPE solutions set the groundwork for a zero trust cloud. You’ll learn straight from the experts the benefits of securing your cloud assets using a zero trust approach, the best strategies for enforcement and the hidden pitfalls you should be aware of.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
Why Your Cloud Needs Zero Trust (and How To Implement It)

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Best Third-Party Solutions

Register now!

Duration: 2 hours

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