
Canonical Offers Parallels for Ubuntu

Late last week, Canonical Ltd. announced that Ubuntu users will now be able to access the Parallels Workstation virtualization software through the Ubuntu Partner Repository.

Parallels Workstation for Linux lets users run both Linux and Windows simultaneously on the same computer without a reboot. Canonical has made available the trial version of this tool through the repository; users can buy the keys for permanent use through the company's site.

This marks the first time that a commercial software product is being pushed through the Ubuntu Partner Repository, according to the company. Previously, the repository -- which Ubuntu users must first "turn on" to use -- gave users access to only free or open source applications.

Though the announcement represents a departure from the repository's history of offering only non-commercial software, Canonical's consumer services manager Randy Linnell said he's pleased about users being able to access Parallels Workstation.

"We have always been committed to providing Ubuntu users with choice," Linnell said in a press release. "Parallels is excellent virtualization technology which many users have requested. Being able to come to a commercial arrangement to make it available is great for Ubuntu users and the project itself."

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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