
Virtualization Certification Available Through AppSense

AppSense launches a virtualization certification for varying levels of IT expertise, including an architect-level title.

User virtualization solutions company AppSense has launched a certification program around its User Virtualization Platform for IT professionals who plan to provide expertise based on the company's technology. The program has three levels of certification, with one of them a requirement for the company's newly launched AppSense Certified Solution Partner program.

Appsense Certified Professional is the basic level, which measures competency in configuring and administering the AppSense User Virtualization Platform. The certification requires passing one exam, APP-100: Installing, Configuring and Maintaining AppSense User Virtualization Environment. Coursework is avaible from AppSense for this exam, but isn't a requirement.

AppSense Certified Specialist, the second level and the one that's required for companies who plan to join the AppSense Certified Solution Partner program, is aimed at advanced users of AppSense UVP. It's mainly for senior sysadmins and those involved in installing or troubleshooting issues. The ACS title requires attending a 3-day AppSense Professional-level course, passage of the ACP title, and then passing Exam APP-200: Installing, Configuring, Troubleshooting AppSense Environment Manager.

AppSense Certified Expert, the third level, is an architect-level certification, so it's by invitation only. It requires passing a formal, peer-reviewed exam process that examines the candidates abilities to design and deploy high-level AppSense solutions.

Exams for ACP and ACS are delivered through Pearson Vue testing centers. To find out more about the program, go here.

AppSense User Virtualization Platform was updated back in July. It's used for managing VMs from a centralized interface, with enhancements to policy and personalization capabilities and user and management-based performance.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.


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