
VMware Hybrid Cloud Reaches into Asia

New services are being built in China and Japan.

VMware Inc. is increasing the reach of its hybrid cloud service into Asia. The company announced that it's launching a beta program in Japan, which will become broadly available later this year.

The beta is a partnership with SoftBank Telecom Corp. and SoftBank Commerce & Service Corp. VMware calls it "the first Asian market and third in the world to deploy" its vCloud Hybrid Service. It will start out with compute, storage, networking, data protection and disaster recovery capabilities, with more added in the future, according to the press release.

The vCloud Hybrid Service is also coming to China, specifically Beijing. A blog posting by Bill Fathers, senior vice president and general manager of the Hybrid Cloud Services Business Unit at VMware, stated that a similar-sounding deal was struck with China Telecom. The service will offer Infrastructure as a Service, Disaster Recovery as a Service and Desktop as a Service.

VMware vCloud Hybrid Service officially opened for business in September 2013. It enables a hybrid compute environment of cloud and local workloads, moving data from one to the other at will. It's built on the VMware vSphere platform. It's completely subscription-based, through monthly or annual payments.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.


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