Mental Ward

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Symantec Changes Course on VMotion Support

Behold the power of the blogosphere! Last week I reported, along with a number of other bloggers, that several important Symantec products aren't supported on VMotion, VMware's technology that moves virtual machines around with no downtime.

I missed it at the time, but a couple of days later, Symantec changed its tune and now does give "best effort support" to Symantec AntiVirus Clients and Symantec Endpoint Protection Clients.

There's no way a correlation can be proved between the publicity of this situation and the quick fix, but it sure doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. What's much more important, though, is that Symantec saw the error of its ways and wasted little time in correcting it. Now, VMware environments are that much more secure.

Posted by Keith Ward on 11/25/2008 at 12:48 PM


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