Mental Ward

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Hyper-Drive Your Management

A new virtualization management product has hit the streets, and this one has a lot of promise: Hyper9, which "Google-izes" your infrastructure.

I first saw Hyper9 in action at last year's VMworld, and liked what I saw from the demo that a Hyper9 executive walked me through. It immediately felt very Google-like, with a search window at the top for finding various aspects of a virtual infrastructure.

Hyper9 must have been much more complex to get out the door than the company anticipated; I was originally told that a shipping product was expected before the end of 2008. In reality, that doesn't much matter; it's more important to get it right than to hit an artificial GA deadline, a lesson Microsoft still doesn't fully understand.

Hyper9 recently made a wise move by hiring Andrew Kutz. Kutz is well-known developer of plug-ins for VMware's ESX hypervisor, and is a very smart guy who's written for us in the past. He knows his stuff.

A 30-day free trial of Hyper9 is available. If you're using Hyper9 in test or production, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Posted by Keith Ward on 03/23/2009 at 12:48 PM


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