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VMworld: Last Impressions

Now that the dust has settled, I've had a chance to think a bit more about the show and VMware's new strategy initiatives. Overall, I think the company did something it had to do especially with the industry waiting to get "the word" from newly installed CEO Paul Maritz. Although Maritz, like Greene, has a somewhat laid back style, he did come out swinging in putting forth a few interesting new directions with the tripartite VDC-OS initiatives.

In fairness, Maritz didn't have a ton of time to steer the 6,300-employee company on a major mid-course correction although as Keith pointed out in one of his blogs, he possibly could have done more to calm the investor waters by hitting a few notes about the company's intention and preparedness to meet the competition in all quarters. For example, as intriguing as the vClient initiative is, I would have liked to hear Maritz talk a bit more about the market opportunity from VMware's perspective, customer pain points, and underscore that the company intends to be the king of the hill in this next wave of market development. Clearly, the company's orientation is still technology more than markets and sooner or later, this mix will need to be adjusted like a good fuel-to-oxygen ratio.

Posted by Tom Valovic on 09/23/2008 at 12:49 PM


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