Valovic on Virtualization

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Heavy (Not Bare) Metal Virtualization

Ok I admit it. I’ve been remiss in sprinkling enough clever pop culture references into my blog posts.  And being analyst for 9 years, I still have a tendency to slip into the ex cathedra mode of “analyst speak”. Old habits die hard, what can I say. I was reminded of this recently in reading a blog by my colleague right down the hall Lee Pender. Lee wrote a blog about unified communications which I enjoyed reading and referenced in another blog so I won’t do it again here. But I was also glad to see that Lee managed to work in a good Led Zeppelin reference into the blog since I also happen to be a musician and great Led Zeppelin fan. (In fact, my college roomate from Boston University back in the early paleolithic period is Steve Davis who wrote the bestselling book about Zep: “Hammer of the Gods”.)  Now let’s see, what’s a good band to reference in conjunction with network virtualization? Hmm, let me think…

Posted by Tom Valovic on 11/03/2008 at 12:49 PM


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