Valovic on Virtualization

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Use Your iPhone for Virtualization Management?

Apple has reportedly now become the world's third largest mobile phone maker behind Nokia and Samsung. It's a rather amazing and meteoric rise and one of the best examples I know of the powerful and paradigm-shattering convergence of IT and telecom. But did you know that you can now use your iPhone to manage a virtualized environment?

Integrien is a startup company that competes with Netuitive, BMC and, to a lesser extent, Akorri. Like Netuitive, the company offers analytics software that baselines and correlates the performance of virtual and physical machines, performs root cause analysis, predicts performance degradations and, depending on the results, sends alerts to an IT admin. According to vice president of sales and marketing Steve Henning, this capability avoids what he says is an all too frequent occurrence: the all-hands bridge call involving different siloed groups. When database, network, server or application server admins get on calls like this, Henning says it often involves more fingerpointing than actual problem-solving.

Back in November, the company unveiled an iPhone option. It worked with Apple to develop the application, and the product is currently shipping. The configuration setup is similar to a Blackberry BES in that an Integrien server has to run in the data center.

Is this a capability that you would find useful in your IT shop? Post here or send me an e-mail.

Posted by Tom Valovic on 01/06/2009 at 12:49 PM


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