
Big Switch Adds Use Cases to SDN Fabric

Big Switch Networks updated its software-defined networking solutions with new use cases and support for more open networking switches, along with other enhancements to help enterprises transform their networks with next-generation technology.

Taking a (Box) Shuttle to the Cloud

Box has a new offering to that involves a combination of software and consulting.

New VMware Fling Diagnoses DRS

It allows admins to peek under the Distributed Resource Scheduler's hood.

Start-Up Emerges To Supplant SDN

Apparently this new-age software-defined networking stuff is already in danger of becoming yesterday's news, if start-up Apstra Inc. has its way.

Docker Datacenter Launched

Its integration with Microsoft Azure is highlighted.

Juniper Expands OpenLab Program for Exploring SDN, NFV Technologies

Juniper Networks today announced an expansion of its OpenLab program, with new locations where enterprises can explore new network virtualization technologies such as software-defined networking and network functions virtualization.

New Partnership Helps VMware Enhance Mobile Device Protection

The agreement with Tanium leads to the Trustpoint tool.

VMware's Photon OS Is Officially Released

An administration guide is also published.

New ONOS Software-Defined Networking OS Released

"Goldeneye" is the name of the seventh and latest release of the open source SDN operating system championed by the ONOS Project.

VMware To Buy Software-Defined Networking Vendor

Arkin helps speed SDN deployments and operations.

LinkedIn Bought by Microsoft for $26.2 Billion

Microsoft says the social networking giant will remain independent.

VMware AirWatch Named the Leader in Magic Quadrant for EMM

Citrix, BlackBerry, IBM and MobileIron also score high.

Investors Make New $20 Million Bet on Midokura SDN

Midokura, which leverages software-defined networking technology in its network virtualization offering, this week announced $20.4 million in Series B financing.

Firms Partner on SDN, NFV Innovation Lab

New-generation software company CENX -- a software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) specialist -- announced it's partnering with several other companies to show how vendor interoperability can contribute to end-to-end service management capabilities on hybrid network infrastructure.

VMware Unveils New Version of Integrated OpenStack Product

Deeper integration with vSphere, smaller management footprint highlight the upgrades.

WinDocks Comes to the Amazon Cloud

The container technology is a port of the Docker engine to facilitate Windows Server 2012 development.

PLUMgrid SDN Suite Works with Red Hat OpenStack

Players in the emerging software-defined networking arena are continuing on the path to interoperability as the industry shakes itself out, with PLUMgrid Inc. announcing its SDN suite is certified for the Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.

Optus Wholesales SDN Cloud Service

Optus Wholesale has put a new spin on the growing software-defined networking movement by introducing Optus Cloud-N, a pay-as-you-go service that customers can purchase, rebrand and resell to retail end users.

SQL Server 2016 Released by Microsoft

It includes open source software as a major component.

Ciena Toolkit Applies DevOps To Control SDN/NFV Networks

Ciena aims to give operators more control of their software-defined networking and network functions virtualization systems with a new toolkit that applies DevOps techniques to simplify the process of adding new technologies and services.

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