Solution brief: Druva for Microsoft Azure VMs

The native Azure Backup service comes with a range of capabilities, but several critical gaps have emerged. Druva provides an agentless, cloud-native SaaS solution that ensures simple, secure and air-gapped backups for Azure VMs and reduces storage costs by up to 40%, compared to the native Azure Backup.

Druva provides an agentless, cloud-native SaaS solution that ensures simple, secure and air-gapped backups for Azure VMs and reduces storage costs by up to 40%, compared to the native Azure Backup.

Download our Solution Brief to:

  • Learn how Druva provides air-gapped backups of Azure VMs to Druva Cloud
  • Discover how Druva customers can reduce their backup storage costs by 50% or more
  • Explore the simplicity of agentless solution with end-to-end BaaS protection without installation hassles

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