Everyday Virtualization

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Vote for your Favorite Virtualization Blog!

As a blogger, it is important to give relevant material for what readers need to do their jobs and learn a new technology. That's the objective of the Everyday Virtualization blog, as I provide the topics I deal with on a daily basis for readers.

Eric Siebert is one of my colleagues in the blogosphere. Eric runs the popular VMware vLaunchpad (VLP) site. The VLP is a great aggregate collection of blogs and virtualization links. In fact, the VLP and Twitter are the two resources I use most to keep up to date on virtualization topics.

Each year, the VLP accepts votes for the favorite blogs. The Everyday Virtualization blog is on the list with the best of them. Go to the VLP voting site and cast your vote for your favorite virtualization blogs!

Posted by Rick Vanover on 01/06/2010 at 12:47 PM


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