Mental Ward

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Virtualization Buyer's Guide is Out

Our inaugural Virtualization Buyer's Guide is out, as of today. I've gotten some excellent feedback on this guide -- as far as I know, the first of its kind devoted exclusively to virtualization products.

A number of folks have asked me when it's going to be released, and if it will be in a PDF format. The answers are a) Right now, and b) Yes. It's in our Tech Library, which features white papers and special reports from all the magazines in our group, including Redmond magazine, Redmond Channel Partner Magazine, Redmond Developer News and more. Note that free registration is required.

The Buyer's Guide contains the exact information that's in the print issue, which came out earlier this month. You'll find products broken down by category, making it easy to find that disaster recovery product you heard about, or that management tool you've been wanting to try. Our goal is to make it an indispensable resource for you, something you'll keep and return to often. I hope (and think) we've achieved that goal.

Hope you like it. Let me know what you think, and how we can make the next one even better.

Posted by Keith Ward on 11/21/2008 at 12:48 PM


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