Valovic on Virtualization

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Reader Comments on VDI and Web 2.0

It’s always great to hear from readers and one of the most enjoyable parts of my job. Here’s a response that came in recently about the blog on Web 2.0 and VDI. It’s from Amy Hodler, who is Director of Product Management with a company called Tranxition.

I read your post…regarding the collision course between DaaS/VDI and Web 2.0 and appreciate your bringing up a trend that people are just starting to recognize and few seem to want to discuss it.   I believe that “countervailing” trend you mention is larger in scope than you’ve pointed out in the article. 

The reality is that people are performing personal tasks and storing personal items on work equipments and that creates risk and IT “drag.”   What must evolve is a framework that acknowledges the behavior reality but protects the corporate assets.  The lines between work and personal life have already become intertwined and technology (and IT processes) will eventually adapt, but as we are reactive creatures it might get worse before it gets better.

This issue has been on my mind for some time because of the nature of my work.  I talk to a lot of customers, partners, analysts about how to best manage end user data/settings/state from an enterprise standpoint…and there’s a noticeable change in dialogue lately around serious management issues related to the collision of the personal and business tasks/software/platforms/behavior.  It’s a very interesting trend and I have some ideas on where we will end up, but I’m not sure about what it will look like in the middle. Good article. “

Posted by Tom Valovic on 11/04/2008 at 12:49 PM


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