
The Changing Nature of Virtualized Datacenters

The push to the cloud is forcing users to grapple with the identity of their IT Infrastructures.


Going Cloud: The Changing Nature of Virtualized Datacenters

By Bruce Hoard

The push to the cloud is putting heavy pressure on virtualized datacenters to change with the dynamic times.

Clouds Collide in Strategic Microsoft vs. Google Battle

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Microsoft's flagship Windows, Office and Exchange offerings may face renewed challenges in the stratospheric battle to come.

Editor's Note

Start Me Up: CloudSwitch in the Datacenter

By Bruce Hoard

Ellen Rubin's success with startups continues at CloudSwitch, a developer of a software appliance that enables companies to securely run applications in the cloud while remaining integrated with their datacenters.

How To Guy

Getting Started with vCenter Operations

By David Davis

Your vSphere infrastructure needs monitoring, and that's where vCenter Operations comes in. Let's take a look at how to work with it.

Every Admin Should ThinApp the vSphere Client

By David Davis

VMware Lab's ThinApped vSphere client allows running the client without installing it.

GUI for Free Hyper-V, For Free

By David Davis

Microsoft's Free Hyper-V needs a GUI. In the meantime, a third-party provider has filled in the gap.

Browse the Web in the vSphere Client

By David Davis

There's browsing the Web, and then there's kinda browsing the Web with vSphere. Here's a tool that removes the "kinda" part.

How to Create a Virtual vSphere Lab

By David Davis

The best way to learn anything is by doing it. You want to learn more about VMware vSphere? Build a lab.

Everyday Virtualization

First Impressions of vCloud Director

By Rick Vanover

In case you haven't heard, the messaging at VMware nowadays revolves around cloud computing.

Take Five With Tom Fenton

Mixed Bag: Thin Clients, VDI, Management, Etc.

By Bruce Hoard

Here are five random items that are worthy of comment.

Product Reviews

RingCube vDesk 3.2 VDI Edition Creates User Options

By Logan Harbaugh

The latest offering from RingCube creates a VDI client that can be customized for each user, but still enables pooled licenses, easy updates and centralized control of settings.

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