Cloud Computing

Nano Server Featured in Windows Server 2016 Preview 2

Simplified upgrades is another feature, including rolling upgrades for Hyper-V.

Microsoft: Nano Server Is Most Significant Change Since Windows NT

It's cloud optimized, and 20 times smaller than Server Core.

OpenStack Releases Next Version, known as 'Kilo'

Its main new features revolve around greater scalability.

Should Amazon Web Services Become a Separate Company?

AWS is worth between $48 billion - $69 billion, according to some estimates.

The Cloud Now Accounts for One-Third of Total IT Infrastructure Spending

The ubquitious cloud continues to conquer the datacenter, now accounting for one-third of all IT infrastructure spending, according to new research from IDC.

The Problem of Synching Cloud Data

Bedrock Data thinks it has a solution.

VMware Launches Two Open Source Container Projects

Called Project Photon and Project Lightwave, they provide an infrastructure and security model for containers in the cloud.

Supercharged Azure Storage Plan Now Available

Up to 64,000 IOPS per VM is supported at the new tier.

Amazon In a Battle for Cloud Supremacy

Among the many challengers stepping into the ring, the top contender is Microsoft.

Docker Coffers Boosted by Another $95 Million

The container company is a darling of venture capitalists.

Survey: Manufacturers Go All in on Cloud

The IDC study also shows that most are using their clouds for IT operations.

Microsoft To Launch Hyper-V Container Support in Upcoming Windows Server

Microsoft on Wednesday said it will offer Hyper-V container support to provide additional deployment scenarios and allow for the development of more scalable apps.

OpenStack Cloud Vendor Nebula Shuts Down

The company was founded by a former NASA CTO.

Amazon Cuts Cloud Storage Prices to Nearly Nothing

The cloud giant undercuts the competition in the "how low can you go?" contest.

Converged Infrastructure Platforms Have a Growth Spurt

Year-over-year sales were up more than 30 percent over 2013, according to IDC.

IBM Opens Innovation Centers for Testing SDN

IBM Corp. opened two Network Innovation Centers to help customers explore software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), and other emerging virtualization and cloud technologies.

Microsoft Working to Sync Local and Azure Active Directory Services

Redmond has released a second preview of Azure AD Connect.

Cloud Adoption Survey Points to SDN Demand

The latest membership survey from the Open Data Center Alliance shows increased use of software-defined networking technologies with even more demand forecast for the near future.

Microsoft Unveils Availability on Demand for Azure

The bundled service offering works with Hyper-V now, with VMware compatibility in the preview stage.

DRaaS in the Clouds

Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service vendor OnApp touts its wares.

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