Cloud Computing

VMware Enters E-Mail Business with Zimbra Buy

VMware on Tuesday said it is acquiring Zimbra from Yahoo, extending VMware's reach beyond system virtualization.

CA Acquires BPM Vendor Oblicore

CA has acquired Oblicore, a closely held but established provider of software that measures the effect of system uptime on business performance.

Microsoft Woos MySQL Users with Migration Tool

A free toolkit helps database users migrate from MySQL to Microsoft's SQL Server database on-premise or in the cloud.

Microsoft Begins Commercial Rollout of Azure Cloud Services

Microsoft is starting the initial phase of commercializing its cloud computing platform this month.

HP Extends Public, Private Cloud Portfolio

HP for the first time is enabling infrastructure and application provisioning services to third-party cloud providers, initially Amazon's EC2.

Microsoft's Private Cloud Formation

As CIOs largely reject the early crop of cloud services for business-critical apps, Redmond readies private and hybrid cloud platforms.

Microsoft Boosts Cloud Automation With Opalis Buy

Microsoft announced last week that it acquired Opalis Software for an undisclosed amount.

Microsoft Creates Server and Cloud Division

Microsoft formed a new organization within its Server and Tools Business last week called the Server and Cloud Division (SCD).

Amazon Auctions Off Cloud Capacity

Amazon has launched the beta for Spot Instances, which lets developers and customers bid for unused capacity on Amazon's EC2 service.

IT Heavyweights Back Telecom Cloud Forum

The telecom industry has joined the effort to forge interoperability among cloud providers by forming a consortium backed by some key cloud providers, including Microsoft and IBM.

5 Steps to a More Secure Datacenter

In the age of virtualization and cloud computing, administrators need a holistic approach.

Microsoft: We Will Steal Google's Lunch

A Microsoft corporate vice president talked about the company's business prospects, including competition with Google, at a Barclays event on Tuesday.

2010 a Boom Year for Cloud Computing?

If recent market research is any indication, computing in the clouds could achieve a breakthrough of sorts in 2010.

Windows 7 To Drive 'PC Refresh' Cycle, Microsoft Says

A top Microsoft official answered questions about the state of IT spending and Microsoft's product offerings at the Nasdaq OMX 23rd Investor Program on Tuesday.

Interop New York: Customers Press Vendors for Private Clouds

Google, Microsoft and Amazon pitched their respective cloud offerings during the keynote panel session at Interop New York Thursday.

Q&A: Microsoft Distinguished Engineer Yousef Khalidi Discusses Private Cloud Migration

Yousef Khalidi talked about Microsoft's new Azure cloud services at the Interop trade show on Thursday.

Early Enterprise Cloud Deployments Likely To Be Hybrid

Enterprise customers that start to use cloud services will also host applications and/or data on premises.

Microsoft Rolls Out Public Betas of 2010 Products

Microsoft rolled out multiple public betas at its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday.

Ozzie Quizzed on Cloud Strategy at PDC

Microsoft officials briefed financial analysts on the company's cloud computing strategy at its Professional Developers Conference on Wednesday.

Ozzie Kicks Off PDC with Azure-Focused Keynote

Ray Ozzie kicked off Microsoft's 2009 Professional Developers Conference with a keynote that focused heavily on Windows Azure and cloud computing.

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