Desktop Virtualization

Hypervisor Shootout Report from the Taneja Group

Hypervisor Shootout Report from the Taneja Group

Creating a Virtualization Service Catalog

All too often, organizations function without a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in the face of stringent expectations.

Impressions of Microsoft in the Cloud

Redmond's building some serious momentum as more Microsoft customers become familiar with its virtualization and cloud wares.

vSphere 4.1 Packs an Incremental Punch

The VMware update to vSphere boasts an amazing number of improvements and new features.

To Be or Not To Be a True Zero Client

Pano Logic CTO Aly Orady draws a strict zero-client line.

Service Pack 1 RC Now Available for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

The release candidate version of Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 can now be downloaded.

Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization 2.0 Beta Released

Microsoft on Tuesday released a new beta test version of its desktop virtualization solution for organizations.

Citrix, Cisco Partner on Desktop Virtualization Solution

Citrix Systems is on the move yet again, virtually speaking, having formed a desktop virtualization partnership with Cisco Systems.

Microsoft Releases P2V Desktop Virtualization Beta

Microsoft last week described a different way to use desktop virtualization to maintain legacy applications and still move users to Windows 7.

Why I Like VirtualBox

VirtualBox users are out there and alive and well in the virtualization community -- so much so that the inaugural Virtumania podcast topic was the free type 2 hypervisor.

VMware Wants to Reign Supreme

VMware President and CEO Paul Maritz has bet the farm on cloud computing.

A Man of Many Hats Tells Us About His Early Years Developing The Thin Client

Jeff McNaught's career, in a nutshell: started software company; worked on TRS-80; co-developed first Windows-based thin client at Wyse that remains model for all thin clients sold today.

Cloud Platforms for Service Providers

Parallels VP Amir Sharif talks virtual infrastructures.

The Rapidly Expanding Universe of VDI

One of the hottest virtualization markets to date is turning into a vendor free-for-all as a mixture of established and startup companies rush to stake their claims.

Microsoft in the Shadows at VMworld

Microsoft is at VMworld in San Francisco this week, but it can't show off its Hyper-V virtualization product because it competes with VMware's products.

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