
Edge, Microsoft's Next-Gen Browser, Won't Be Available To All

It depends on "service-branch" options.

VMware's AirWatch Named 'Leader' in Mobility by Gartner

Its just-released Magic Quadrant for enterprise mobility management also places Citrix, MobileIron high.

Open Source Groups Release SDN and NFV Software

Things are moving smartly forward in the world of upstart, disruptive networking technologies such as software-defined networking and network functions virtualization, as open source stewards in both camps have come out with new software releases.

Study: 30 Percent of Servers Are 'Comatose'

Those systems are using energy but doing almost no work.

NEC Targets Big Datacenters with SDN-Compatible Switches

NEC Corp. today announced two new switches ready for software-defined networking applications in big datacenters run by telecommunications carriers and service providers.

Questions Arise About Microsoft's BitLocker Security

One journalist calls it "the best of several bad options for Windows users."

Microsoft Azure Expands North of the Border

Two new datacenters in Canada will bring the global total to 22.

Alcatel-Lucent Partners with HP for Cloud Datacenter Networking

Alcatel-Lucent has teamed up with HP to feature HP Networking technology -- including software-defined networking -- in its cloud datacenter solutions for IP and optical networks.

Bromium: Better Security Through 'Microvisors'

Bromium isolates tasks in tiny Xen hypervisors, then kills the hypervisor when the task is done.

New Open Network Operating System Released

The open source SDN Open Network Operating System used in conjunction with new-age networking technologies such as software-defined networking is out with a number of updates, including improved performance and more feature sets.

Two OpenStack-Focused Companies Get Bought

Blue Box and Piston are swallowed up by Cisco and IBM.

Firms Fill New-Age Networking Orchestration Gap

New-age technologies such as software-defined networking and network functions virtualization promise all kinds of benefits -- programmability, agility, lower cost and so on -- but have a lot of moving parts that need to be tied together, which paves the way for the flurry of new orchestration solutions hitting the market

No Longer Unofficial: Microsoft To Release Windows 10 on July 29

It will be free for users of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 for the first year.

Survey: Performance Issues Are Top 'Pain Point' for Storage

The study also found that two out three organizations have more than 50 percent of workloads virtualized.

InterCloud Launches Proof-of-Concept SDN/NFV Lab Service

InterCloud Systems today launched a new cloud service to provide a lab environment for companies wishing to prove concepts based on modern, emerging software-defined networking and network functions virtualization technologies.

Stallman: Proprietary Software Is Akin To Malware

He said most OSes are nothing more than vectors to track users.

Huawei Leverages SDN for Cloud Fabric, IoT Solution

Huawei is making heavy use of software-defined networking technologies in several products announced this week at its annual conference, including a new cloud fabric architecture and an Internet of Things (IoT) solution.

AWS Tops Azure in Gartner IaaS Ranking

Its Magic Quadrant report says AWS has a "multiyear" advantage over Microsoft and Google clouds.

Alcatel-Lucent Claims First Carrier SDN Platform

Global communications company Alcatel-Lucent today unveiled what it claims to be the first unified software-defined networking platform for the service provider industry.

Citrix Pushes the 'Software-Defined Workspace'

Workspace Cloud gets its first public demonstration, at its Synergy conference.

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