
Windows 7 RC Remote Server Tools Available

IT pros can now get a package of remote server management tools that work with the new Windows 7 release candidate, which Microsoft released to the public on Tuesday.

Microsoft Cuts More Employees, Not Done Yet

Microsoft laid off an undisclosed number of employees today as part of a cost-cutting plan that was initiated back in January.

Windows 7 RC Goes Live

Microsoft announced that the Windows 7 release candidate (RC) is now available to the general public.

SpringSource Acquires Hyperic

In a move that promises to extend the appeal of the Spring Framework to enterprise developers, SpringSource on Monday said it has acquired Hyperic Inc., a supplier of open source Web application and infrastructure management.

Microsoft Testing Cloud-Based Data Sharing

Microsoft announced that it is seeking customers willing to test their databases in a cloud-based data connectivity project.

SharePoint Bonanza: SP2 and Dev Kits Released

Microsoft announced some SharePoint product updates that may have gotten trampled under a stampede of information flowing out of Redmond this week.

Microsoft Issues Windows 7 Beta Update To Fix IE8

Microsoft released a Windows 7 Beta client update that fixes problems that a small number of users were experiencing with Internet Explorer 8 on the new OS.

App-V 4.5 Now Supports Windows 7 Beta

Microsoft released a cumulative update to its application virtualization solution, which now supports the Windows 7 Beta, according to an announcement issued by the company on Thursday.

Microsoft Appeases Windows 7 Beta Testers

Microsoft's technical team on Thursday reported progress on improvements to the beta version of Windows 7, assuring testers that the team really cares about user feedback.

IDC Revises 2009 IT Spending Forecast Downward Again

Market researchers at IDC, who produce one of the most widely watched forecasts for IT spending, have revised the forecast for 2009 -- and it's "downward ho."

Server Market Takes a Dive in 2008

A new report from IDC, announced on Wednesday, suggested that the global economic malaise has already chipped away at the enterprise IT server market.

Excel Bug Prompts Microsoft Advisory

Microsoft is looking into public reports of a vulnerability in Excel that could enable a remote code execution attack by hackers.

Release Candidate of Vista SP2 Now Available

TechNet and MSDN subscribers now have access to the Release Candidate version of Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

Google To Join EC Complaint Against Microsoft

Google is the latest Web browser maker to join the plaintiff's side in a European Commission (EC) complaint against Microsoft's Internet Explorer distribution practices.

Researchers Say Gazelle Browser Offers Better Security

A team consisting of Microsoft Research personnel and university staff members has demonstrated a potentially more secure Web browser called Gazelle.

Ballmer Cites Microsoft's Plans in Weak Economy

Microsoft provided a strategic update at a financial analyst meeting in New York, describing prospects for the company's second half of the fiscal year, which ends in June.

Citrix, Microsoft Take Aim at Enterprises with Essentials

Citrix and Microsoft, already close collaborators on many virtualization-based initiatives, ratcheted up their relationship Monday with the announcement of Citrix Essentials, a group of technologies calculated to shoehorn their way into the enterprise datacenters now dominated by VMware.

Q&A: How BeyondTrust Addresses Windows Security

Earlier this month, BeyondTrust released a report on security threats to IT shops running Microsoft software.

VMware Launches Partner University

VMware on Monday joined the growing list of major software platform firms with a virtual partner training campus by launching a nine-language Partner University.

Red Hat Enters Enterprise Virtualization Space

Another vendor has thrown its hat into the enterprise virtualization ring. This one is red.

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