Dan argues that containers are great, but not always the right choice.
- By Dan Kusnetzky
- 11/05/2014
The OpenShift Startup Program provides free hosting and technical support.
As Docker rises in importance, the idea of the traditional VM is being challenged.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 10/29/2014
One popular myth is that the cloud should be used for everything.
Is this all-in-one virtualization box a good choice for an SMB?
Does CTERA's answer get it right?
- By Dan Kusnetzky
- 10/28/2014
Well known among developers for its Java-based integrated development environment, supporting vendors for the latest venture include IBM, Red Hat and SAP.
- By John K. Waters
- 10/27/2014
While they seem great at first, they might lead to a prison from which you can't escape.
- By Dan Kusnetzky
- 10/24/2014
There are no SANs in the cloud because the venerable storage technology just doesn't scale to that level. But there are ways around it, and Microsoft shops should start with the company's Scale-Out File Server.
- By Paul Schnackenburg
- 10/24/2014
Also, Microsoft now loves Linux.
- By John K. Waters
- 10/21/2014
The company adds a new DevOps product, Code Stream, and rebrands its cloud management suite.
The 10th version of the open source platform adds enterprise features, including Big Data management and provisioning services.
Redmond is also working on its own container technology.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 10/15/2014
A deep dive into all forms of virtualization.
- By Dan Kusnetzky
- 10/14/2014
The company also repositions itself as more than backup and recovery at its event. Will it be successful?
- By Dan Kusnetzky
- 10/10/2014