Virtualization Management

Does the Survey Really Say What the Survey Says?

Deciphering a CloudPhysics survey on application disruption.

VMware Access Point: Better Security for VDI

The virtual appliance improves on View Security Server.

Back to the Future in Virtualization and Storage

What's old is new again. Marty McFly would get it.

Data Analytics for Your Network

Corvil is in the crowded room of analytics companies that can help you make sense of your infrastructure.

Manage vSphere 6 Security Policy Via ESXCLI

New settings allow you to change account lockout and password complexity rules in minutes, saving huge amounts of time.

VMware Purchases Mobile Vendor Boxer

Boxer, a consumer-focused company, will be incorporated into AirWatch, its enterprise mobility manager.

5 Rules For Avoiding Datacenter Disruption

Vendors want to sell you the "new." But ripping-and-replacing the "old" can lead to catastrophe.

Dell's Heavyweight Move

Buying EMC opens the enterprise door much wider.

Design and Configuration of vSphere Fault Tolerance

Don't gamble on your infrastructure's resilience. Make sure you have redundancy built in.

Dell Reportedly In Talks To Buy EMC

What VMware's future would be in that scenario is cloudy.

VM Component Protection in vSphere 6

This new feature makes outages and data loss much less likely.

5 VMware Hands-On Labs You Can't Miss

The best part? They're free to use.

AirWatch Gets Its Own Windows 10 Upgrade

VMware's enterprise mobility management suite will integrate with Azure Active Directory.

Simplifying Virtual Storage

Rethinking metadata has led INFINIDAT to new ways of virtualizing storage.

Docker Updates Hub for Faster Response

The service already has more than 200,000 images.

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