
How to Create a Virtual SSD for vSphere 5.5 vFlash

Using a virtual solid-state drive can be a handy way to save time and money for certain vSphere tasks.

Update of Open Shift PaaS Released by Red Hat

The company calls it "a unified development and operations experience."

Alert Logic Cloud Defender

An intriguing product in a crowded field; but it doesn't replace a company doing its own due diligence.

VMware Dangles $1,000 Carrot for vCloud Air

The company rolls out a "grand" strategy to draw customers to its hybrid cloud platform.

5 Ways to Clear Out IOP Bottlenecks

A look at three explicit indicators and two manual tests you can perform to know if your multipath driver is causing problems to your array's capabilities.

Docker Gets More Windows Love

Although not a full-fleged client, a new command-line interface may be a harbinger of things to come.

CompTIA: More than 90 Percent of Businesses Using Cloud

As companies go deeper into the cloud, the more difficult integration becomes, the study also finds.

Free Training, Exam for Converged Infrastructure

James Brown tackles the VCE certification.

Midokura Open Sources Software-Defined Networking Product

MidoNet is used chiefly for SDN on the OpenStack cloud platform.

The Death of Virtual Machines? Not so Fast

Dan argues that containers are great, but not always the right choice.

The Increasing Importance of Container Security

"Perimeter security is kind of done for," says one expert.

Internet2 Achieves SDN-Enabled Milestone

Enabled by emergent software-defined networking (SDN) technology, the nonprofit Internet2 organization announced "the first nationwide, multi-tenant SDN-powered virtualized network capability."

Virtual Machine Security Ramped up for Microsoft Azure

"Real-time protection" against malware is promised for the cloud platform.

Splunk Enterprise 6.2: Diving into Operational Logs

Making sense of all that data.

Red Hat Offers Startups a Free Cloud Platform

The OpenShift Startup Program provides free hosting and technical support.

Are Containers the Beginning of the End of Virtual Machines?

As Docker rises in importance, the idea of the traditional VM is being challenged.

Gartner Explodes 10 Cloud Myths

One popular myth is that the cloud should be used for everything.

Big Switch Starter Kits Provide SDN Onramp

Kits for company's Big Cloud Fabric include bare-metal switches, software-defined networking software, support and guidance.

5 Tips for Working with the Scale Computing HC3 Hyperconvergence Appliance

Is this all-in-one virtualization box a good choice for an SMB?

CTERA: Companies Are Getting VDI Wrong

Does CTERA's answer get it right?

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