Doug on Cloud

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Private Cloud Reality Check

Author, instructor and all around smart guy Don Jones is taking an interest in the cloud and, with his years of IT experience, wonders just how new all this cloud stuff is. In a recent column, he questioned the term cloud in general.

Now Don is taking on the notion of private clouds. It may be that many call a private cloud what is really just a plain, old datacenter. To Jones, a private cloud has the same characteristics of an external cloud -- capacity and services are provided as they are demanded, the resources are virtualized so they serve as a pool, and charge-backs are based on actual use.

Don sees value in this approach to datacenters, being more flexible and taking a lot of mundane tasks out of the IT equation.

How do you define a private cloud? Are you moving in this direction? Share your thoughts [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/24/2011 at 12:47 PM


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