Welcome To Our New Cloud Blog!

Welcome to Doug on Cloud, Virtualization Review's new cloud blog, where I will be delivering news, analysis and coverage on everything related to the cloud.

So how did this all get started? It basically began at Legal Seafood in Natick, Mass. Vendors on press tour always come through our offices in Framingham, some 20 miles west of Boston, and that's usually where we meet for lunch. Lately, an awful lots of cloud startups have come by, and I've been besieged by press releases from cloud startups to existing vendors embracing the cloud.

With the vendor activity, some movement to the cloud is inevitable, although the pace will be dictated by you all in IT and your business leaders.

Here's what one company that managed to stay on the leading edge when others were playing it safe had to say: "We think everyone on the planet deserves to have their own virtual data center in the cloud. What a developer gets when they have an account with the Sun Cloud is their own virtual data center," said Lew Tucker, CTO of Sun's Cloud group, now of course owned by Oracle.

Meanwhile there's Google, and Microsoft recently declared that it is "all in" the cloud.

I want this blog to be a conversation, not a sermon. I have another blog on our sister site, Redmondmag.com, where the very best posts are the ones where we feature letters from readers -- all of whom are far more expert than I.

You can and should drive this blog. Here's how it work: Send me e-mail in response to my questions, and I'll publish them for the world to see. For the sake of privacy (many companies don't like employees mouthing off), I just publish first names.

Here are some initial questions (send your answers to [email protected]):

  • What cloud vendors do you respect or admire?
  • What apps are most appropriate for the cloud?
  • What apps are least appropriate for the cloud?
  • Will the cloud have a negative or positive impact on IT?

Stay tuned for more cloud! And be sure to sign-up for our new, free twice-weekly Cloud Report newsletter here.

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/08/2010 at 12:47 PM5 comments

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