Valovic on Virtualization

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VMware's Virtualization Forum 2008

VMware recently held an event in Boston called Virtualization Forum 2008. I would estimate attendance at 400-600, in that range. My only gripe is that the company seems to have a penchant for piping in high-decibel hard rock music just before the first morning session (the same thing happened at VMworld before the Maritz keynote, some of you may recall). While I'm a avid rock fan, I would prefer to just sit there in a quiet, coffee-sipping lump at that time of day. But hey that's just me.

The Boston session wasn't exactly full of surprises, although I found it curious that VMware appears to be being a bit dodgy about the progress of the vStorage initiative that they were so eager to talk about in Vegas. Something might be in the works that has caused them to freeze their messaging. An anecdotal comment I heard the other day suggesting more incipient EMC involvement tends to bolster that line of thinking.

One of the interesting data points that came out of this session is that VMware is now considered to be the tenth largest software company. And at the event, Michelle Bailey from IDC gave a first-rate presentation and noted that VDI deployment levels are now at the 5 percent level. Considering that server virtualization stands at 10-12 percent, this is an impressive stat. Bailey also talked a bit about the power challenges facing companies these days in terms of data center consumption pointing out that, for many of them, the problem isn't cost, it's about just getting enough power off the grid to meet their needs.

Posted by Tom Valovic on 12/15/2008 at 12:49 PM


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