
The Ultimate Virtualization Buyers Guide

The industry's first print guide to virtualization products.

It's a brave new IT world out there. The term "game-changer" is thrown around by companies so much that it's lost much of its meaning, but the term perfectly fits virtualization technologies. It fundamentally changes the way data centers operate, and the way IT pros manage their systems. Even so, virtualization is still not much more than a newborn in its development cycle. A growth spurt is starting to occur, and the vendors you'll find on the pages of our inaugural Buyers' Guide are supplying the vitamins.

Many of these products are brand-new, and worthy of your time to investigate. We've broken the products down by category to make them easier to find. We've tried to be thorough, but we're aware we haven't listed every product in every category; that would require a much bigger magazine. What you'll find, though, is a good overview of what's available in the virtualization market. As this is our first attempt at this, we'll undoubtedly misplace a few products. Please let me know how we can improve this guide in the future. I'm at [email protected].
-- Keith Ward, editor, Virtualization Review

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About the Author

Mark Ferelli is a nationally known journalist covering the computer storage industry. Help us make future Buyers' Guides even better. Send your suggestions for new products, new categories or movement of products from one category to another to Editor Keith Ward at [email protected].


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