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Virtualized Fax Servers? Why not?

While faxes may seem passé to millions of digital users, fax technology lives on at corporations around the world, where fax servers continue to play valuable roles.

According to FaxBack, Inc., every day, users fax mission-critical business information, including contracts, legal documents, sales quotes, purchase orders, order confirmations, event announcements, membership applications and
much more. For Fortune 500 companies fax is a core communications tool. It is estimated by Peter Davidson, IDC Fax analyst, that over 85 percent of SOHO's (Small Business/Home Office) rely on fax.

Given its seemingly global popularity, it should come as no surprise that fax servers are being virtualized similarly to so many of their corporate counterparts. Enter Biscom, which maintains that virtualizing fax servers leads to better fax server resource management, while making it possible to run workstations and servers with different OSes concurrently on the same fax server or servers. The result: Virtual servers make it possible for users to comply with the mantra of doing more with less.

Here's the Biscom elevator pitch: "All Biscom fax server solutions are designed to achieve a common goal: streamline business processes and improve the bottom line. Whether the need is to fax-enable e-mail, integrate fax with a VoIP network, automate unattended high-volume fax deliveries, or implement fax processing workflows, Biscom works closely with its customers to ensure a quick ROI and savings of both time and money."

For more in-depth information, check out The Essential Guide to Fax Server Software, which is published by Windows ITPro.

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 03/30/2010 at 12:48 PM


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