The Hoard Facts

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CTO Blogosphere Debuts

[Editor's Note: See "Two New CTO Bloggers Join the VR Fold" for two new ones!]

It comes to my somewhat belated attention that I have not yet put in a plug for our new CTO Blogs, which I have been working on for a few weeks, and which can be accessed from our website home page. Like a lot of other good ideas, these CTO Blogs are the brainchild of my endlessly creative boss, Doug Barney, who absolutely adores good, free web content.

Just for the record, we have three blogs up and running, with two more on their way. The three active entries are "Virtual Snapshot," by Jason Mattox, CTO of Vizioncore, "Well Managed," by Doug Hazelman, Senior Director, Product Strategy, Veeam Software, and "App Delivery on Demand," by Karl Triebes, CTO of F5 Networks, an excerpt of which you can read below. (I'll mention the newcomers when their blogs are up and running.).

It wasn't all that long ago that I would no more have entrusted precious editorial space to any vendor than I would have jumped off the roof of my house (it's a big old house with a high peak). These days, however, most vendors have become media-savvy enough to realize that if they play it straight when offered an editorial opportunity, they can end up with some valuable--and free--exposure.

As a result, when you read these blogs, what you won't find is a bunch of shameless, self-promoting, vendor doggerel. What you will get is explanations of the latest technology going into cutting-edge virtualization products.

The way I see it, it's a win-win situation: The vendors get to subtly promote their products and strategies, while readers get a chance to familiarize themselves with technologies they may be interested in purchasing for their organizations. If they like what they read, they may want to make a financial commitment; if they don't, they've still learned something valuable, and no harm is done.

I look forward to your feedback on our new CTO Blogs.

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 06/11/2010 at 12:48 PM


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