V-Commander 4.0 for the Cloud Masses
Embotics V-Commander 4.0 Cloud Edition is like comfort food for mid-size and large enterprise data centers. Its tasty treats include a set of easy-to-use management, provisioning and policy-driven automation features that enable users to break through capacity management and performance barriers that have previously stifled private cloud projects.
In addition to rapid provisioning--in some cases, reducing IT asset deployment times from days to hours--V-Commander 4.0 offers self-service, service catalogs, IT costing and chargeback, workflow automation, resource optimization, and lifecycle management capabilities. Looking for a quick ROI? The company said you can have one in "hours" through the reclamation and decommissioning of unused and underused VMs.
According to Jason Cowie, VP of Product Management at Embotics, his company is shifting its focus from virtualization management to private cloud automation. Citing Aston University as a shining example of V-Commander 4.0 in action, he said "Aston blew through stall points in a short period of time" by using the product's ability to economically pool resources with a management layer on top. Specifically, among other tasks, the school used V-Commander 4.0 to automate the formerly manual task of tagging and tracking VMs in Excel.
The venture-backed Embotics targets mid-market enterprises for 80 percent of its sales and large enterprises for the other 20 percent. Cowie said V-Commander 4.0, which provides "enterprise capabilities for the masses," is a boon to cost-conscious companies with limited staff and financial resources who can't afford to deal with "point tool sprawl and large framework solutions."
Posted by Bruce Hoard on 06/20/2011 at 12:48 PM