Veeam Takes Virtualization Pulse with V-Index
The ever-helpful Veeam loves a good survey and it recently took the wraps off V-Index, which will consist of quarterly reports on the virtualization penetration rate in the U.K., France, Germany and the U.S. The first V-Index offering reports that the current average V-Index Penetration Rate is 39.4 percent, which means that 39.4 percent of all servers within the 544 large enterprises surveyed were virtual. Of the 544 companies, 500--91.9 percent--were using virtualization.
The current rates by country: U.K.: 35.7 percent, France: 45.5 percent, Germany: 45.1 percent, and the U.S.:37.2 percent.
V-index is an online virtualization industry study performed by Vanson Bourne, an independent market research company. It is designed to measure three parameters: virtualization rate, consolidation ratio and primary hypervisor in use. The virtualization consolidation ratio is based on the virtual server to physical server consolidation ratio. The current average among all countries is 6.3.
Specifically, 91.9 percent of all enterprises said they are using virtualization "to some degree," which would be interesting to break down by application. Among the virtualization users, 84 percent are using VMware, 61 percent are using Hyper-V, and 55.4 percent are using Citrix Xen, while 12 percent use another hypervisor. Again, it would be interesting to see that 12 percent broken out as well.
Regarding primary hypervisor usage, Veeam further notes that 58 percent of all enterprises use VMware as their primary hypervisor, 20.2 percent use Citrix Xen, 18.6 percent user Hyper-V and 3 percent use another hypervisor. As an aside, Veeam says it is possible that virtual desktop infrastructures were included, due to the server-based nature of the technology, "which in turn may have affected the reported statistics for primary hypervisor usage."
The site also has data on "barriers preventing increased virtualization penetration."
This is an interesting survey, but it would be nice if it was more granular.
For more information, go to
Posted by Bruce Hoard on 07/26/2011 at 12:48 PM