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VirtualSharp's Peerless, Automated DR Solution Saves Big Bucks

Gone are the days of DR tests being done every--say, three months, no make that every six months, no maybe once a year--but it costs so darned much and takes so long, let's just blow it off. Well, those days aren't gone for everybody. In fact, as far as we can tell, they are only gone for customers of VirtualSharp, which assessed the sorry state of DR testing and came up with a product--ReliableDR 3.0 in its latest incarnation--that handles the entire test process, end to end, automatically. No muss, no fuss.

After hearing how one of VirtualSharp's Fortune 20 insurance customers developed an ongoing, automatic DR test that runs every three hours eight times a day--that is smokin'--I'm inclined to believe Virtual Sharp CEO Carlos Escapa when he refers to his agentless product as a "a paradigm shift altogether."

More good news: all that productivity comes bundled with savings of somewhere in the neighborhood of $50,000 to $100,000 for that prescient, F20 customer, who can now stay home and pull for the Green Bay Packers rather than worrying about DR tests that previously required a team of application owners to up and and head off to a Sungard DR center for a gala 3-4-day weekend of humdrum walkthroughs.

Scarpa says his agentless product "delivers an integrated, virtual, disaster recovery solution across the IT stack, from storage to application, that can be delivered for cloud environments using a zero-footprint, self-service architecture. It's good to be king.

ReliableDR 3.0 improves on its predecessor by adding multenancy, a Web Oriented Architecture, Application-specific SLAs, role-based access control and embedded dashboard (probably from a Mercedes).

The product will be available during Q1 of 2012 directly from VirtualSharp and its authorized channel partners. Existing 2.x customers will be entitled to a free upgrade to 3.0 based on their current maintenance agreements.

Question: Would your company benefit from automated DR testing?

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 12/01/2011 at 12:48 PM


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