
Dell Reportedly In Talks To Buy EMC

What VMware's future would be in that scenario is cloudy.

The Day the MacBook Died: A True Backup Story

The El Capitan upgrade wrecked Dan's laptop. Fortunately, he was prepared. Are you?

VMware Alerts Users About 3 Critical Vulnerabilities

The security flaws affect both vCenter Server and ESXi.

VMworld Survey: Software-Defined WAN Is 'Next Wave'

Riverbed Technology said a survey taken at the recent VMworld conference pointed to strong interest in software-defined networking and identified software-defined wide-area-networking as the "next wave of network innovation for remote and branch office locations."

Azure Resource Manager Promises Better Container Orchestration

Microsoft says it will make it easier to create and manage clusters of Docker hosts.

Beware the 'Piecrust Promises' of Potential Partnerships

They're often not what they seem.

Many New Azure Services Coming to the Cloud

A Web event detailed the coming attractions.

VM Component Protection in vSphere 6

This new feature makes outages and data loss much less likely.

The Volkswagen Scandal as Cautionary Tale

Monitoring your networks can help find out what they're doing that you don't even know about.

Analyst: Future Datacenters Will Be Software-Defined, but Take It Slow

Beyond mere software-defined networking, the future of the enterprise datacenter itself will be defined by total infrastructure virtualization, research firm Gartner Inc. said today. But for now, only advanced companies with the prerequisite vision and expertise should try to get a jump on that future.

Memo To Software Developers: Hurry Up and Slow Down

Too often, a 'time-to-market' mindset leads to sloppy products.

Object Storage: Is it Soup Yet?

It may hold the key to getting a handle on unstructured data.

5 VMware Hands-On Labs You Can't Miss

The best part? They're free to use.

AirWatch Gets Its Own Windows 10 Upgrade

VMware's enterprise mobility management suite will integrate with Azure Active Directory.

Citrix Pulls the Plug on XenClient

The VDI product never took off in the enterprise.

Simplifying Virtual Storage

Rethinking metadata has led INFINIDAT to new ways of virtualizing storage.

Azure Component Built With -- Linux?

It's true, says Microsoft; the Azure Cloud Switch is a Linux product.

Docker Updates Hub for Faster Response

The service already has more than 200,000 images.

VMworld 2015 In Review

Ultimately, for this attendee, the show is about relationships.

New Brocade SDN Controller Targets Transition to the 'New IP'

Brocade Communications Systems this week came out with a new software-defined networking (SDN) controller and associated applications based on the OpenDaylight Lithium release.

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