Cloud Computing

Microsoft, Citrix and VMware in Brewing Battle

The three companies are getting ready to rumble over ownership of the hypervisor cloud.

Brave New World: VDC-OS

VMware wants to own your data center. The key? The Virtual Datacenter Operating System.

Marketplace: Microsoft's Non-Hyper-V Hypervisor

Almost no one paid attention when MS divulged details on its cloud-based Hyper-V. Here's what you need to know so far.

Microsoft Adds Gen 4 Datacenters for Cloud Computing

Microsoft is initiating the fourth in a series of datacenter upgrades to enable its cloud computing services, according to a Microsoft blog post on Tuesday.

The Ultimate Virtualization Buyers Guide

The industry's first print guide to virtualization products.

Spheres of Virtual Influence

Russia, Israel appear to have a virtual foothold in virtualization innovation.

PDC: HP Startup Tests Windows Azure Cloud Platform

A startup company called is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.

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