Dan's Take

Sophos and Endpoint Protection

New types of access and devices require new ways of approaching security.

Legit Survey or Sales Pitch?

Not all IT surveys are disguised sales tools for a vendor's product, but enough are that you need to be on your guard.

The Mainframe Is Dead? Don't Tell IBM

Big Blue's newest System z monster shows the industry isn't all x86.

Citrix Acquires Sanbolic

The move helps shore up a weakness in the Citrix lineup.

VDI: It's All About the Apps, Stupid

Dell knows about the importance of delivering applications to end users, since it's one of the biggest hardware manufacturers in the industry. Here's the company's take on the different ways it can be done.

The Rise of Shipping Container Datacenters

New computing assumptions require outside the box -- or, in this case, inside the box -- solutions.

The Datacenters, They Are a-Changin'

As cloud computing and software-defined systems continue their push into the mainstream, datacenters need to keep up.

'Open Source' May Not Mean What You Think It Means

Although inconceivable to some, open source may be a weakness rather than a strength.

Alert Logic Cloud Defender

An intriguing product in a crowded field; but it doesn't replace a company doing its own due diligence.

Disaster Recovery With OneCloud

Backup to Amazon Web Services is good; but what if you use another cloud provider?

The Death of Virtual Machines? Not so Fast

Dan argues that containers are great, but not always the right choice.

Linux Distributors Are All Over the Cloud

Red Hat and SUSE fight to be King of the Hill for cloud services.

IBM Partners with SUSE and MariaDB to Expand Choice

Increasing compatibility and making upgrades less painful are keys to the strategy.

Splunk Enterprise 6.2: Diving into Operational Logs

Making sense of all that data.

CTERA: Companies Are Getting VDI Wrong

Does CTERA's answer get it right?

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