A look back and a few predictions on the state of IT virtualization.
An interview with VMware's senior director of desktop platforms and solutions.
Build a solid and long-lasting virtual infrastructure around virtualization's many moving parts, including servers, storage, network, security and management.
Microsoft announced a launch event for its virtualization products, scheduled for Sept. 8, 2008 in Bellevue, Wash.
Next week at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, security researcher Joanna Rutkowska promises to demonstrate how a malicious attacker, working remotely, could take control of the open-source Xen virtualization software.
- By Joab Jackson
- 08/01/2008
Skytap’s Virtual Lab service lets developers subscribe to virtual machines
(VMs) and provides a VM image library and a virtual lab-management app.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 08/01/2008
Microsoft's first major push into the virtualization space officially kicks off today, as Hyper-V has been released to manufacturing (RTM).
IT pros wanting to try out the latest Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization technology can now get the Release Candidate 1 (RC1) version via Windows Update.
Exam 70-652 offers MCPs a chance to prove expertise in setting up and configuring virtual machines.
- By Michael Domingo
- 06/10/2008
Microsoft's Tech-Ed North America event for IT professionals kicked off today with a keynote address on enabling "dynamic IT."
Popular with Mac users, the Windows world is its next target.
Viance optimized to work with Citrix XenDesktop
There's only one Microsoft. Or is there? Talk to enough third parties, analysts and customers, and you'll soon believe that VMware should be headquartered in Redmond instead of Palo Alto.
There aren't many more innovative industries within IT than virtualization.
Hewlett-Packard has expanded its role in the desktop virtualization arena with new mobile thin client hardware, extended software offerings and deeper industry alliances.
- By Rutrell Yasin
- 05/20/2008