
August Patch Brings Windows ATL Fixes, and More

Tuesday's nine security patches are all about networking, the Internet, servers and interoperable components that tie everything together.

VMware Reaches for the Clouds with Deal to Acquire SpringSource

The leading supplier of virtualization technology looks to extend its platform-as-a-service (PaaS) effort by adding the chief sponsor of the open source Spring Framework.

Windows 7 Upgrades Can Kill .NET 4 and VS 2010 Betas

Windows Vista users trying to upgrade to Windows 7 can face some unintended consequences if they also use .NET Framework 4 beta 1 and Visual Studio 2010 beta 1.

Microsoft Offers SQL Server 2008 R2 Test Bits

Subscribers to Microsoft's TechNet and Microsoft Developer Network services can now get their hands on the first community technology preview of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

UPDATE: Windows 7 Available to TechNet, MSDN Subscribers

Subscribers to Microsoft's professional services -- TechNet and the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) -- can begin downloading Windows 7 RTM editions starting today.

Supercomputer Boots 1M Virtual Machines in Botnet Study

Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have simultaneously booted 1 million Linux kernels, all of which ran as virtual machines on the labs' Thunderbird supercomputer.

Windows XP Mode RC Released

The release candidate (RC) version of Windows XP Mode is now available, Microsoft announced on Tuesday.

Microsoft Releases Beta of App-V 4.6

Microsoft has released a beta version of its App-V 4.6 application virtualization technology.

Forecast: Cost-Cutting Will Drive Open Source Growth

IDC report says expenditures by enterprises on open source software jumped 34 percent last year and spending in 2009 is on pace to increase at least another 24 percent.

Some Beta Testers Getting Windows 7 for Free

Microsoft last week showed its appreciation to beta testers of Windows 7 by extending free copies to them -- well, not all of them.

Serious Price Tag Overshadows Cloud Computing

Cloud computing promises cost savings, increased flexibility and improved remote access to resources, but these advantages come at a cost.

Microsoft To Scrap Europe Version of Windows 7

Microsoft changed its plans about issuing a special European version of Windows 7 that would lack Internet Explorer, according to a company announcement.

Ballmer Talks Up Windows 7 at Financial Analyst Meeting

Microsoft executives on Thursday explained the company's business and prospects at the 2009 Microsoft Financial Analyst Meeting in Redmond, Wash.

Microsoft System Center Exec Promoted to VP Position

Microsoft on Tuesday announced the promotion of Brad Anderson, an executive who helped foster various server management products in the Microsoft System Center product line.

Microsoft and Yahoo Agree on Search Deal

Microsoft and Yahoo finally consummated an Internet search advertising-text deal after almost two years of contentious wooing.

Off-Cycle Patches Issued for Visual Studio and IE

Redmond on Tuesday released a security advisory concerning its Active Template Library technology, accompanied by two out-of-band application patches.

Microsoft Rolls Out New Security Initiatives

The Black Hat security conference continues this week in Las Vegas and Microsoft is once again rallying its industry allies, and even its competitors, to a common cause.

Microsoft Hits New Lows in 4Q Report

Microsoft's financials continued to decline, with the company reporting $13.1 billion in revenue for its fiscal fourth-quarter -- a 17 percent decrease compared with last year's fourth quarter.

RTM Milestone: Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

Microsoft popped the champagne corks in Redmond today by announcing that Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 have both reached the "release to manufacturing" stage.

Hyper-V Opens Up to Linux with Microsoft Code Release

Microsoft has taken the once unthinkable step of contributing 20,000 lines of code to the Linux community, allowing any commercial or community distribution of Linux to run as a virtual machine on top of Hyper-V.

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