Virtualization Management

Taking vCenter Server's Pulse

VMware's vCenter Server Heartbeat makes sure your virtual infrastructure keeps right on ticking.

Don't Fall for the VDI Hype

Remote Desktop Services and XenApp are much more efficient solutions than traditional VDI -- by a large margin.

Another (Red) Hat into the Ring

Linux developer Red Hat believes open source is the future of virtualization, but are its new platform and hypervisor too late?

Free Virtualization Platforms

Despite contrary perceptions, virtualization doesn't have to be expensive.

Advanced Virtual Conversion Flowchart

Procedural approach for conversions can aid conversions of any type.

Dell Introduces Virtualization Consulting Services

Dell has expanded its virtualization technology portfolio to assist organizations striving to make datacenters and IT operations work more efficiently.

Microsoft Rolls Out SCVMM 2008 R2 RC

The release candidate of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 is now available for public testing, Microsoft announced on Monday.

ESXi and The Command Line

ESXi isn't the end of the line for our beloved command line.

Dark Clouds, Green Linings

Virtualization continues to shine amid economic distress in other IT segments.

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day: Virtualization Clears Up IT's Recessionary Fears

While most companies in IT are hoping to just ride out the recession storm, those in the virtualization space are finding clearer skies.

Virtualization Certifications

Certification is still relatively rare in the virtualization field. That can work to your advantage, if you don't put it off.

DR in a Box

PlateSpin Forge offers peace of mind at a reasonable price.

Free VM Discovery with V-Scout

Embotics' V-Scout ends the days of tracking your virtual machines via spreadsheet.

Tech-Ed Highlights Virtualization Vendors

As virtualization's popularity grows, so, too, does the presence of virtualization vendors at Microsoft's annual Tech-Ed North America conference. This year's show promises to feature more of them than ever, giving attendees the chance to sample more virtualization technologies.

RSA: Security Lags as Virtualization Picks Up

At a time when everyone is watching the bottom line, there is an increasingly strong impetus to virtualize IT environments.

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