Virtualization Management

VM-in-a-VM Is Broken, for Now ...

"Greyhound" comes to a screeching halt in the virtual world.

Hooray for Transactional Integrity!

Image-level backup consolidates that server's state into one nice and tidy bundle.

Storage, The New Virtualization Frontier

If you're only virtualizing your servers or desktops, you're missing out on one of the best bets: virtual storage.

Virtualization May Help With Windows Bloat

The Microsoft Windows operating system has become unwieldy and is choking on the amount of code that needs to be maintained.

Citrix Aims High

Known for application virtualization, the company shook the hypervisor market with the strength of a sonic boom when it bought open source maker XenSource.

VMware: The View from Above

The most important and influential company in virtualization reigns supreme -- but could a revolt be coming?

Square One

To properly use virtualization, you've got to first understand it.

Microsoft Faces Skeptics at Open Source Conference

Nearly a year and a half after striking their improbable alliance to provide better interoperability between open source and Windows-based platforms, Microsoft and Novell told developers this week that the pact has yielded technical benefits but there's still work to be completed, particularly on the interoperability between the two companies' enterprise directory platforms.

Gartner: Virtualization 'Highest Impact' Tech Through 2012

When it comes to infrastructure and operations, research firm Gartner says that virtualization will be the most significant trend through the next four years.

Research: Virtualization Market To Grow to $1.35B in Asia by 2010

According to a recent study by Dublin-based Research and Markets released today, virtualization and virtualization-related services spending will reach $1.35 billion (U.S.) by 2010.

Virtualization Costs Offset by Greater Efficiencies

Virtualization technology imposes costs and management stress on datacenter managers in addition to boosting the complexity of installations, according to senior IT managers. But those same executives also have learned that overcoming virtualization headaches ushers in a brave new world of datacenter performance.

Heroes and Villains

Some companies do licensing right, while others get it wrong.

Virtualization Hits the Desktop

Software for creating and running virtual machines on the PC goes mainstream.

Profile: VKernel and the Economics of Virtualization

One company aims to measure virtualization's effect on the bottom line.

Virtualizing Disaster Recovery

Virtualization can be a boon to business continuity and disaster recovery planning -- provided you understand the risks.

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