
They Said It (About Citrix, That is)

What some folks (folks being Chris Wolf, Simon Bramfitt, Greg Stuart and Citrix's own Simon Crosby and Mark Templeton ) have to say about Citrix.

VDI-in-a-Box 4.0 Cuts Costs, Complexity

Deploying and configuring the Kaviza package is a breeze.

Get in Touch with Your Physical Server

As a virtualization administrator, do you feel awkward building a physical server? 5 tips for making it less so.

Papirov Has Everyone Looking at Paraleap

Which is more perilous: fleeing the Soviet Union before the fall of communism or starting up a cloud-computing business with no venture funding? Igor Papirov has survived both.

How Is Winning Mindshare with SaaS: An Interview with Peter Coffee's Director of Platform Research offers his thoughts on his company running with the SaaS tag, as well as how virtualization and cloud computing are impacting business.

Hyper-V SP1 Needed To Create VMs on Intel vPro Machines

Windows Server 2008 R2, Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 can only perform server virtualization using Intel's Core vPro processors if SP1 is applied.

Getting Started with vCenter Operations

Your vSphere infrastructure needs monitoring, and that's where vCenter Operations comes in. Let's take a look at how to work with it.

The Network Automation Imperative

When your virtualization or cloud project sputters in efficiency, network automation can get that project some new life.

Every Admin Should ThinApp the vSphere Client

VMware Lab's ThinApped vSphere client allows running the client without installing it.

5 Ways to Measure Virtualization Efficiency

The typical IT gauges don't translate well for measuring virtualization efficiencies. You'll need to look at it from a different angle.

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1 Released

Keys to Microsoft's first service pack for Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 are dynamic memory and RemoteFX.

Cloud Foundry Springs Forth as First 'Open' PaaS

VMware today announced the debut of Cloud Foundry, which the company is touting as the first "open platform as a service," or PaaS.

What Virtualization Vendors Have on Storage Tiering

What VMware, Dell, NetApp and DataCore are doing to add support for tiered storage in their offerings.

Dell To Invest $1 Billion in Cloud

Dell today said it is investing $1 billion in cloud computing under a two-year plan to build out datacenters that will let customers subscribe to virtualized compute infrastructure and storage.

10 Steps to Private Cloud

For private clouds to become viable, organizations must embrace several steps to advance their private cloud strategies.

Building a VDI Environment on Shared Storage

Storage is at the heart of the problems some companies have in deploying VDI.

Dell, Equinix and Rackspace Launch OpenStack Demos

Vendors build proof-of-concept environment on top of OpenStack's cloud OS to show customers what's possible in the cloud.

GUI for Free Hyper-V, For Free

Microsoft's Free Hyper-V needs a GUI. In the meantime, a third-party provider has filled in the gap.

vSphere Support Added to Next OpenStack Compute Release

VMware customers looking for openness in cloud solutions might see vSphere support in the forthcoming OpenStack Compute "Cactus" release as a opportunity.

Amazon Adds Dedicated Cloud Instances

Acknowledging that some enterprise customers don't want to share computing resources, Amazon Web Services (AWS) today launched what it calls EC2 Dedicated Instances.

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