
vCloud Hybrid Service Renamed vCloud Air

VMware also rebrands its service provider programming, calling it the "VMware vCloud Air Network."

VMware vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS) is no more. VMware has renamed it VMware vCloud Air, and it's part of a larger rebranding effort of the company's "as a service" offerings, like Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Desktop-as-a-Service, Disaster-recovery-as-a-Service and so on.

In a blog post, VMware's Geoffrey Waters, vice president, service provider channel, Hybrid Cloud Services Business Unit, said that "The (vCHS) platform itself, built on VMware vSphere, will remain the same secure, IaaS hybrid cloud it has always been."

The "Air" designation goes beyond the vCHS rebrand, though. VMware has a new name -- VMware vCloud Air Network – for its existing VMware Service Provider Program (VSPP). VMware says it has more than 3,800 Service Provider partners in more than 100 countries.

Waters blogged that the Air Network is an improved version of VSPP, and is intended to cover the range of services offered, "… including "IaaS Powered," "Hybrid Cloud Powered," and our existing "Horizon DaaS Powered" that each enable our partners to showcase their VMware service offerings."

The rebranding has already taken place on the vCloud Air homepage, which has a notice at the bottom of the page: "Previously known as VMware vCloud Hybrid Service." vCloud Air is a solution that allows companies to have both private and public cloud platforms, linked together with various VMware technologies.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.


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