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vRanger Pro 4.5 DPP Debuts

Vizioncore announced its vRanger Pro 4.5 Data Protection Platform. The latest version of its image-based data protection technology enables IT administrators to back up any data size within required time windows.

VRanger Pro 4.5 DPP includes Vizioncore's Active Block Mapping (ABM) and Change Block Tracking (CBT), two components from the company's vReplicator product. According to Vizioncore, "ABM queries the Windows OS to remove inactive blocks from read lists during backups, which accelerates the data collection process by an average of 49 percent compared to vRanger Pro 4.2.3. ABM works on its own to speed full backups, typically performed weekly by Vizioncore customers. ABM also works in combination with CBT to speed incremental and differential backups, typically performed nightly.

"ABM is particularly helpful in speeding the backup of virtual machines running file and print services, which create and delete many small files as a routine part of their operation. Notably, ABM also speeds recovery by an average of 90 percent as compared to vRanger Pro 4.2.3 by avoiding the need to write zero blocks."

The product also supports Quest Recovery Manager for Exchange (RME) to provide object-level recovery for Microsoft Exchange. Vizioncore says that RME enables vRanger Pro DPP to be the first image-based solution to provide agentless object level recovery from image-based backups.

VRanger Pro 4.5 DPP is available now for $499 per socket.

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 05/27/2010 at 12:48 PM


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