The Hoard Facts

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Virtual Thanks From Your Humble Editor

This year at Thanksgiving, I am thankful for many things, professional and personal. Professionally, I am thankful for:

My job: I have a great job that is very interesting and satisfying. There are a lot of people living in this country who are unemployed and suffering. A job is a precious thing.

My boss: Doug Barney, our group VP, conceived of Virtualization Review during a series of lunch meetings and briefings. Then he hired me, told me what to do, and left me alone to do it. He's there if I need him, which is nice. A good boss is also a precious thing.

Virtualization: When you step back for a minute and think about it, virtualization is a way cool technology with a track record that is pretty amazing. A lot of money has been saved, a lot of productivity has been created, and a lot of interesting companies have fleshed out the virtualization eco-system.

VMware: VMware is the center of gravity in the virtualization and cloud computing industries, a remarkable success story, and a great company to love/hate. They should be very thankful to have a guy like Paul Maritz at the helm.

The people: This is a big one. On the vendor side I am thankful for the never-ending array of entrepreneurs, CEOs, CTOs, and various other executives I meet with over the phone and in person. Turning to analysts, I have found that not everyone has been created equal--that's why I really value the good ones. When it comes to PR pros, I am happy to say that almost all of them are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable, and I couldn't do my job without them.

Readers: Without you, gentle readers, the whole show grinds to a halt. You are not always easy to read, which can be frustrating, because my overriding goal is to inform you and satisfy your knowledge needs. In a way, I serve at your pleasure, so please, don't spare the comments after you read my ramblings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Bruce Hoard on 11/17/2011 at 12:48 PM


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