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Working With AWS Simple Notification Service, Part 1: Basics & Setup

Amazon's message delivery service can be used to send SMS text messages and email messages, among many other things.

Tips for Managing VDI, Part 5: Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Tom explains how HCI works with VDI.

IT Certifications in a Cloudy World

Now tackling one of the most heated debates in the IT industry -- certifications -- is Paul Schnackenburg, who has a bunch of them along with the requisite hands-on experience.

Tips for Managing VDI, Part 4: UC, Monitoring and SD-WAN

Tom looks at ways to offload UC processes from datacenter CPUs to VDI clients, monitoring remote assets and the benefits of using SD-WAN.

Cybersecurity Incident Responders Help 'Rebuild Trust' After Attack

In choosing a cybersecurity incident response service, organizations should look for vendors with a long-tail approach to helping the victim in "rebuilding trust" by restoring brand and reputation, says a new research report.

Tips for Managing VDI, Part 3: Performance & Cost

With the basics out of the way, Tom looks at some VDI techniques to increase performance and decrease costs.

'Great Resignation' Depletes Already Hard-to-Find Cybersecurity Talent

Survey after survey in the IT industry point to one common pain point: finding cloud computing, cybersecurity and other tech talent to fulfill enterprise initiatives. It was bad before the wave of pandemic-spurred job-quitting and apparently has only gotten worse. And that's during a time of increasing ransomware and other cybersecurity attacks.

Tips for Managing VDI, Part 2: Component Best Practices

After previously explaining what VDI is and its recent history, Tom dives in to specific components and some best practices around them.

New Cloud Cybersecurity Worry: 'Alert Fatigue'

As if you didn't have enough to fret about from rampant ransomware and other cybersecurity threats, Orca Security has published a new survey-based report on a new worry: "alert fatigue."

Tips for Managing VDI, Part 1: The Basics

Tom gives expert hands-on advice as more employers try to keep their employees happy working from home without risking a corporation's digital assets.

AWS Uses Metaverse-Like Game for Cloud Training

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is using a 3D metaverse-like role-playing game to train users on how to use its cloud computing platform.

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Accenture's 'Metaverse Continuum,' Tech Trends and Digitally Enhanced Future

In announcing four top tech trends for 2022, Accenture is imagining digitally enhanced human experiences reshaped by the convergence of physical and virtual realities and augmented by cutting-edge technology.

What Workloads Hinder Enterprise Lift-and-Shift to Cloud?

A new hybrid cloud adoption survey reveals the workloads most responsible for holding back full enterprise IT cloud migrations.

Talent Dearth Continues to Hamper Cloud Expansion, Survey Shows

While we're still in a cloud computing boom, familiar challenges like a lack of top talent continue to hinder enterprise efforts to expand their cloud initiatives, says a new report.

Cloud Security Report: It's Still Misconfiguration, Misconfiguration ...

Misconfiguration was still the No. 1 cause of cloud security incidents last year, says a report from Check Point Software Technologies.

State of the Cloud 2022: Azure Usage Surpasses AWS

"Data from this year's survey indicates Azure seems to be either closing the gap -- or has slightly surpassed -- AWS with some users."

CNCF Finds Prometheus Top Cloud Observability Choice

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) conducted a cloud native observability survey that found its own projects accounted for the top three most popular offerings, starting off with Prometheus.

Making Automatic Adjustments to Your AWS Budget

Brien shows how budgets can be adjusted automatically based on your recent usage trends, helping to avoid sticker shock.

Once a Security Problem, Open Source Now a Solution, Report Says

Red Hat was surprised by this finding from its new report on open source software in the enterprise: It's now seen as a benefit, when it was a big security problem not that long ago.

Using Amazon's New Backup Capabilities for S3, Part 2: Backup Plan

Brien shows how to create a backup plan after previously creating an on-demand backup of an S3 bucket.

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